
Rachel swerved and hit her brakes as a massive white furry creature darted toward her car. She was driving on a highway through the forest in the middle of the night and was already nervous about the possibility of deer jumping into the road. But this was no deer. It seemed to start upright on two legs, but then started galloping in a strange quadrupedal motion. As she reacted—she definitely didn't want to hit the creature—she could not wrap her mind around whatever it was. It was both vivid and hidden, illuminated only by the moonlight and the creature's seemingly glowing white frame.

“What the!?!” she yelled as she swerved hard to miss it, nearly losing control of the vehicle.

Luckily, she was able to stay on the road, but by the time she had straightened back out, whatever it was had gone back into the darkness of the forest that surrounded Truckee, California.

She flipped on her hazard signals to warn the drivers farther back on the road of the danger headed their way before searching the night to make sense of what had just happened—and hopefully figure out what she just saw.

Rachel had texted me around 11:30pm to let me know she was headed home, so we know her encounter with this animal happened right before midnight on Saturday, August 20, 2022.

What was it?

When Rachel got home, she immediately relayed the story, and my first thought was that she saw a Bigfoot dropping down on all fours to rush across the road.

I could tell she was okay and her nerves didn’t seem rattled anymore, so my immediate response to her story was excitement.

“Man, I’m super jealous! You got to see a freakin’ Bigfoot!”

“First, it was white or whitish, and second, there is no such thing as Bigfoot,” she says, laughing and rolling her eyes.

“It could have had white hair,” I point out.

“Also, it ran on all fours.” 

I continue to lay out the logic to my explanation. “There have been sightings of possible Bigfoot type creatures going from a walking stance to a galloping run on all fours, much like an ape runs.”

“There’s no way it was Bigfoot.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because Bigfoot isn’t real.”

“Okay, then, what was it?”

“I don’t know. It reminded me of some sort of Dr. Seuss animal except it moved like those Landstrider things from Dark Crystal.” 

“Okay, then let’s try to bust my Bigfoot theory by Googling your description. Maybe we’ll discover something that fits your description better than a Bigfoot.”

So we both began searching for clues to what she may have seen.

“Rabbit…” Rachel reads off her screen, “Nope, not that.”

“Really!?! Rabbit popped up as a massive white furry animal?” Who wrote the Google algorithm!?! Anya from Buffy, whose fear of bunnies might apply some attributes that make it sound bigger than it really is?

She finally discovers something that fits the bill: an evil-looking Dover Demon pic.

“Except for the glowing eyes,” she says.

“That’s what you saw!?!”

“Something like that, except for the eyes, and it wasn’t as skinny.”

“Maybe the eyes would have looked like that if it turned to look at you.”

“True…” she ponders.

Of course, Truckee, California is nowhere near Dover, Massachusetts. In fact, they’re on opposite coasts of the United States. We check to see if there was anyone who has spotted anything similar to the Dover Demon in California. Neither of us finds anything.

It also appears that the photo isn't of the Dover Demon. It might be a photo that someone claims is an alien caught on their trail cam in Berwick, Louisiana. Either way, the Dover Demon is described like one of the grays, with no hair or fur, so it wouldn't match anyway.

We stay up past three in the morning trying to solve the mystery of what she saw that night. With every hour that passes, she doubts more and more what she saw on the road that night.

By the end of the night, I still feel it was a Bigfoot type creature that got down on all fours to cross the freeway as fast as possible. As for it being white, that could have been her headlights bouncing off the fur coat, making it seem whiter than it really was.

Rachel, on the other hand, is the Scully to my Mulder (which makes sense since she’s a scientist and all). She refuses to believe that it was Bigfoot or some other cryptid that she saw that night. But she still can't explain it. All she can say is that it was "freaking crazy."

I'm still envious that she got to see something that was so unexplainable that we spent hours trying to figure out what it was.

What do you think she saw? Hit reply and let me know.


Unit next time, safe travels.



P.S. I encountered a Bigfoot myself. Granted, mine was Odin Abbott (Odin Makes) in a Bigfoot costume in the music video Running with Bigfoot for the band Groovie Ghoulies.


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